A young woman (Rosemary Wilcox) is haunted by pop-Freudian dreams of h
About a week after the Woods family move in to Xaos House, their daugh
The world of Kumari, who is married off far away in Kanhirangat, a cur
这是一幢一年四季都被雾气笼罩的古宅,新婚女子(陈红 饰)是这座老宅唯一的主人,其父母均死于文革中。入夜,女子被一阵奇怪的声音惊醒,声音竟是父
由于父母意外身亡,艾丽娅(杰西卡·米拉 Jessica Mila 饰)只得带着妹妹艾贝尔(Bianca Hello 饰)返回她们童年居住过的
Follow a mad Chilean scientist's deadly virus escape the lab on contam
数百年前,茅山传人张素素(陈加玲 饰)与弟弟合力将赶来寻仇的狐狸精击退,而张素素则因伤势过重不治。时光荏苒,1991年的香港,茅山第37代传
In 2022, filmmaker Dillon Brown set out with Green Beret and wildernes
Three college students stumble upon a secret television broadcast of a
When an unknown assailant preys on a haunted hotel's patrons, an event
现年32岁的瘦弱女子爱丽丝·伊万斯(布莱特妮·墨菲 Brittany Murphy 饰)是一个小有名气的编剧,由于当年和男友的纷争,造成爱丽
Two young sisters find that all the mirrors in their estranged aunt's
邪恶教授Jacob ten Brinken(埃里克·冯·施特罗海姆 饰)通过结合妓女与杀人犯的基因创造出了没有道德观、天性放荡的人造人美女A
Nala, a 13-year-old girl from the city, travels with her family to her
Just days ago, Elizabeth Derby (Heather Graham) was a successful psych
A criminal on the run breaks into the home of a high class escort, onl
Based on an allegedly real-life paranormal case that occurred in Mardi